Saturday, March 28, 2020

Example of Solution in Chemistry - How Humans Store Energy

Example of Solution in Chemistry - How Humans Store EnergyAn example of solution in chemistry is the way humans store energy. The human body can store a lot of energy because it uses anaerobic digestion, which is the breaking down of food into gas in the intestines. When the stomach is full, food moves to the mouth where it is digested and swallowed. This way, energy is not wasted and the body retains it and thus can process it much more quickly.The good thing about this type of digestion is that it prevents waste from being stored in the intestines. When the body needs more energy, food is used and food that is too bad for the body, such as toxins, is expelled through the anus. This is the process that accounts for the phrase 'digestive bypass'.This is also a way that increases the speed of human metabolism. Many of the fats in our body are stored as energy because they are broken down in the body. If the body has no more energy to store, then the stored fat becomes useless and must be expelled.Foods that are stored in the large intestine can be easily processed because the processing is done on a constant basis. Since enzymes are produced when food is digested, the waste is discarded in the colon and not in the stomach. Thus, the body does not have to work so hard to remove the waste.Digestion can also be slow because the body has not done much to process the food. It will waste the food by storing it and will not burn it for energy. Because the food is burned instead of stored, the metabolic rate of the body does not increase.The human digestive system can help speed up digestion, but only if it is working properly. A diet that is rich in fiber helps speed updigestion and should be included in the daily routine of people who have digestive issues.Consuming foods that are healthy and proper in size for the person's body will increase the speed of digestion and energy. These foods have anaerobic digestion and therefore will not cause a major decrease in the me tabolic rate. A person should eat these foods for maintenance of good health and to increase the speed of metabolism.

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